1. R2 Value Objectives
Programme promoted by IRIS in close collaboration with Madan Parque | NOVA Tech ship.
All science and technology research outputs are covered, from an algorithm, an enzyme, or a sensor technology;
R2Value will be embedded in FCT NOVA ecosystem NOVATechShip® and sponsored by NOVA.id.FCT.
2. Who will be involved?
Target Researchers / Professors who aim to generate value from its research. This is a call to all researchers who would like to find ways to to develop their scientific and technology results, in partnership with experienced partners.
Researchers, Professors, PhD candidates
Mentoring network composed of people who have already created a spin-off and/or a start-up, VC, Patent attorneys, business development and may support applicant teams;
3. Overview
Purpose: to identify FCT NOVA-originated teams who have the ambition to establish new science or technology-based spin-offs, license scientific results, or to substantially accelerate existing startups.
Who: teams that include at least one current (or former) faculty member, researcher, student, staff or collaborator of FCT NOVA. There is no limitation of number of the teams.
Contribution to the call:
As the office that provides strategical support to the entire research & innovation cycle of FCT NOVA scientific community, from the idea to its market application, fostering sustainable knowledge generation to increase the School’s societal and economic impact, IRIS will help in the selection of the projects moving forward, making the bridge with the external partners and assist the teams in the identification of customer segments and building the value proposition, roadmap of development and estimation of cost structure
Madan Parque
Madan Parque is a science and technology park, whose mission is to play an interface role between academia and businesses. The core activities consist of the promotion of NTBFs and its acceleration. Madan Parque will also help in the selection of the projects , designing the value propositions and providing mentoring to the teams selected for the pitch, taking advantage of the physical proximity to FCT ecosystem which is Madan Parque’s most important shareholder. Madan Parque can host the potential startups or spin-off whose can be created within the R2Value programme.
Impact Lab
Impact Lab is a Strategic Impact Consultancy company that uses a human-centric approach to create personal and organizational impact vision statements, which are tested and refined through an innovative unique impact creation model.
Armilar Venture Partners
Armilar Venture Partners is Portugal's leading VC funds manager. An independent VC with a 20-year-old history, a high-performance track record and an international footprint, Armilar is a deep-tech investor, investing in ICT, HealthTech and CleanTech with a focus on early-stage technology-based companies where data, digitisation and connectivity play a central role. Currently, Armilar has six funds under management amounting to about €260 million, deployed typically as lead investor in seed to early-stage deals in companies in Portugal, Europe and the USA. For more information please visit www.armilar.com.
Bionova Capital is a healthcare-focused venture capital firm, investing in early-stage life science companies. Founded in 2015 by the shareholders of Hovione Pharma, Bionova Capital currently manages a portfolio of six companies, three in Portugal, two in the UK, and one in Spain. Bionova Capital invests in groundbreaking therapeutics, medtech and digital health startups across Europe.