Newsletter #36 – December 2022
The annual Call for Innovation & Education Projects is an opportunity for innovators to maximise the recognition of their disruptive ideas among leading players within Europe’s raw materials sector. EIT RawMaterials is seeking solutions from potential candidates to contribute to shaping a strong, sustainable raw materials sector in Europe.
The European Green Deal has put a tremendous spotlight on the raw materials sector to deliver deep tech innovation and education at an unprecedented pace and scale. It will cause an industrial shift that puts the environmental and social responsibility for our human capital and efficient governance at the centre of every business model. This transformation will lead to scales of innovation not seen before and turn the industry into a powerhouse of innovation and change.
EIT RawMaterials is the only raw materials leader in the world to offer a collaboration platform for industry, research and education. The Call for Innovation & Education Projects is a funding opportunity to empower the raw materials sector to leave behind traditional approaches and develop new, disruptive solutions crucial to establishing the highest industry standards and strengthening our global leadership.
Only by working together can we achieve outstanding results and make great strides in building a world-leading raw materials industry for Europe. Please visit our website to learn about the Call for Innovation & Education Projects with EIT RawMaterials.
- DRAFT Proposal Registration & Submission: 26 January 2023, 13:00 CET
- FINAL Proposal Submission: 11 May 2023, 13:00 CET
The Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia is lauching a new programme to support ERC candidates whose application have been positively evaluated but have not been awarded due to lack of budget or have been put in the reserve list.
This is intended to further support the internationalization of Portuguese science and encourage researchers to apple for future ERC rounds.
The full details of the Programme are available here, including eligibility rules and documentation required for the Expression of Interest.
We encourage all our researcher (that are able to do so) to take advantage of this opportunity.